‘Bat House Party’ a Success for Cause

A note from Angela Behrends on Wednesday night’s Bat House Party at The BrickHouse:
I’d like to extend special appreciation and thanks to Nathan Edwards and KDSU’s “The Wolf” for fantastic music and mad, mad DJ skills, to our costume judges Susan Conover, Susan Langner, and Jeff Howard, to Chris Francis and Emmeline Elliott of the Madison Area Arts Council, to Eric Stykel, Chris Francis, John Nelson, and Cassie Marie Edwards for donating artwork, and to all of the ART121 students at DSU that contributed their time and design talents! Now THAT’s a community effort!
Together, we raised well over $400, which will go directly to the construction of bat habitats on the campus of Dakota State. Angela will be continuing to work on the project in the coming months, we’ll be sure to share the latest as this project continues forward.