Dakota 38 Community Dinner

Saturday, December 14th
DSU Trojan Underground

Join Dakota State University, President Borofsky, and the Madison community as we welcome the Dakota 38+2 riders and guests for a community dinner and program on the campus of Dakota State University.

Yankton Sioux Lakota artist and DSU alumni Jerry Fogg will be on hand to share his work and insights in regards to the Dakota 38, and their impact within his own work.

A special thanks to Dakota State University, DSU Diversity Services, Madison Public Library, Friends of the Madison Public Library, and the Madison Area Arts Council for their support of this community event.

This free public event will be hosted in the Dakota State University Underground, which is located in the lower level of the Trojan Center on the east side of campus directly to the west of Washington Avenue. Join us as a community as we welcome our guests to Madison.